
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7138 From: Bengt Sjoelund Date: 3/29/2013
Subject: 3 spindles.
Hi Tom & KFloppers,

Running my mill with great help from you Tom, now I need to add some functions to my mill.

#1 This is a 300W high speed spindle 3-phase AC 900Hz driven by Omron MX2 VFD that can be run either via Modbus or 0-10V. This will be used for engraving and small diameter mills.

I assume I will need to have some sort of C file and M codes in Mach3 to control this spindle to start/stop and set speed. No other feedback than MX2 outputs page 225 in following pdf http://alturl.com/vneoz

What do you suggest?

#2 this will be A-axis with spindle function. AC servo with encoder feedback.

Same with this, A-axis I assume it is set up as any other axis but how to switch this to a spindle? (want to use this as a small lathe on the mill with fixed lathe Tools attached to normal spindle head)

Same goes, what do you suggest?

Happy Easter to all of you

Group: DynoMotion Message: 7140 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 3/29/2013
Subject: Re: 3 spindles.
Hi Bengt,

#1 You must create a special C program to handle the Spindle Messages sent to the Plugin by Mach3.  See the SpindleMach3DAC.c example.

#2 To use an axis as an A axis it must be included in the Coordinated Motion System.  To Use it as a Spindle it should be excluded.

I think the simplest method (and what I would recommend doing in any case) would be to setup 3 different Mach3 Profiles with different C programs to get each of your 3 modes of operation working properly.  You could then combine all the programs and use MCodes that would set Virtual IO bits to switch modes on the fly (if you need to do this).
